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发布日期:2022-05-19 作者: 来源:yl6809永利官网 点击:

郝树宏,yl12311线路检测数理科学与工程学院副教授,主要研究基于光场连续变量量子纠缠态资源实现量子逻辑门操作、量子模拟、量子纠错、量子通信、量子传感等纠缠态光场制备、应用方面的理论与实验研究工作。完成并结题国家自然科学基金项目一项、安徽省自然科学基金项目一项。发表包括Nat. Commun.Phy. Rev. L等重要期刊在内的Sci科研论文18余篇。













1. Shuhong Hao, and Zheshen Zhang, Quantum-secured covert sensing for the Doppler effect. Physical Review Research 5, 043206 (2023).

2. Chaohan Cui, William Horrocks, Shuhong Hao, Saikat Guha, Nasser Peyghambarian, Quntao Zhuang and Zheshen Zhang, Quantum receiver enhanced by adaptive learning. Light Sci Appl 11, 344 (2022). 

3. Shuhong Hao, Haowei Shi, Christos N. Gagatsos, Mayank Mishra, Boulat Bash, Ivan Djordjevic, Saikat Guha, Quntao Zhuang, and Zheshen Zhang, Demonstration of Entanglement-Enhanced Covert Sensing, Physical Review Letters 129, 010501 (2022).

4. Shuhong Hao, Haowei Shi, Wei Li, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Quntao Zhuang, and Zheshen Zhang, Entanglement-Assisted Communication Surpassing the Ultimate Classical Capacity, Physical Review Letters 126, 250501 (2021)

5. Haijun Kang, Dongmei Han, Na Wang, Yang Liu, Shuhong Hao*, and Xiaolong Su*, Experimental demonstration of robustness of Gaussian quantum coherence, Photonics Research 9(7), 1330–1335, 2021.

6. Shuhong Hao, Meihong Wang, Dong Wang, and Xiaolong Su, Topological error correction with a Gaussian cluster state, Physical Review A 103, 052407, 2021.

7. Shuhong Hao, Xiaowei Deng, Yang Liu, Xiaolong Su, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Quantum computation and error correction based on continuous variable cluster states, Chin. Phys. B 30(6) 060312, 2021.

8. Shuhong Hao, Dong Wang, and Xianshan Huang, Quantum communication based on two-mode entangled state with quantum noise locking method, Optics Express 26(11), 13841–13849, 2018.

9. Dong Wang, Shuhong Hao*, LixuXie, and Xianshan Huang, Entanglement analyses of a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with a higher-transmissivity cavity mirror. Journal of Modern Optics, 65, 200-205, 2018.

10. Shuhong Hao, Xianshan Huang, and Dong Wang, General Single-Mode Gaussian Operation with Two-Mode Entangled State, Chinese Physics Letters 34, 070301, 2017.

11. Xiaowei Deng, Shuhong Hao, Caixing Tian, Xiaolong Su, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Disappearance and revival of squeezing in quantum communication with squeezed state over a noisy channel, Applied Physics Letters 108, 081105, 2016.

12. Xiaowei Deng, Shuhong Hao, Hong Guo, Changde Xie, and Su Xiaolong, Continuous variable quantum optical simulation for time evolution of quantum harmonic oscillators, Scientific Reports 6, 22914, 2016.

13. Shuhong Hao, Xiaolong Su, Caixing Tian, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Five-wave-packet quantum error correction based on continuous-variable cluster entanglement, Scientific Reports 5, 15462, 2015.

14. Shuhong Hao, Xiaowei Deng, Qiang Zhang, and Xiaolong Su, Distribution of a modulated squeezed state over a lossy channel, Chinese Optics Letters 13, 122701, 2015.

15. Shuhong Hao, Xiaowei Deng, Xiaolong Su, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Gates for one-way quantum computation based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement, Physical Review A 89, 032311, 2014.

16. Xiaolong Su, Shuhong Hao, Xiaowei Deng, Lingyu Ma, Meihong Wang, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Gate sequence for continuous variable one-way quantum computation, Nature Communications 4, 2828, 2013.

17. Xiaolong Su, Shuhong Hao, Yaping Zhao, Xiaowei Deng, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, and Kunchi Peng, Demonstration of eight-partite two-diamond shape cluster state for continuous variables, Frontiers of Physics 8, 20-26, 2013.

18. Xiaolong Su, Yaping Zhao, Shuhong Hao, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, Experimental preparation of eight-partite cluster state for photonic qumodes, Optics Letters 37, 5178-5180, 2012.