l 数值优化
l 张量计算
l 机器学习,经济与管理中优化方法
l 线性代数
l 202201-202312,关于量子纠缠问题中张量优化算法的研究,安徽省自然科学基金,2208085QA07.
l 202201-202311,张量正交分解算法的理论及应用研究,yl12311线路检测校青年基金,QZ202114.
1. Zhou Sheng, Jianze Li, Qin Ni. Jacobi-type algorithms for homogeneous polynomial optimization on Stiefel manifolds with applications to tensor approximations. Mathematics of Computation, 92(343): 2217-2245, 2023. (SCI)
2. Xin Zhang, Jinagya Chang, Zhili Ge, Zhou Sheng*. A family of gradient methods using Householder transformation with application to hypergraph partitioning. Numerical Algorithms, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-023-01593-y. (SCI)
3. Zhou Sheng, Weiwei Yang, Jie Wen. A Riemannian gradient ascent algorithm with applications to orthogonal approximation problems of symmetric tensors. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 182: 235-247, 2022. (SCI)
4. Zhou Sheng, Qin Ni. A generalization of inverse power method for computing eigenpairs of symmetric tensor. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70(20): 4973-4990, 2022. (SCI)
5. Zhou Sheng, Qin Ni. Computing tensor Z-eigenvalues via shifted inverse power method. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 398: 113717, 2021. (SCI)
6. Zhou Sheng, Qin Ni. Globally convergent inverse iteration algorithm for finding the largest eigenvalue of a nonnegative weakly irreducible tensor. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 17(2): 189-207, 2021. (SCI)
7. Gonglin Yuan, Xiaoliang Wang, Zhou Sheng*. Family weak conjugate gradient algorithms and their convergence analysis for nonconvex functions. Numerical Algorithms, 84(3): 935-956, 2020. (SCI)
8. Zhou Sheng, Qin Ni, Gonglin Yuan. Local convergence analysis of inverse iteration algorithm for computing the H-spectral radius of a nonnegative weakly irreducible tensor. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 357, 26-37, 2019. (SCI)
9. Gonglin Yuan, Bopeng Wang, Zhou Sheng*. The Hager-Zhang conjugate gradient algorithm for large-scale nonlinear equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96(8): 1533-1547, 2019. (SCI)
10. Zhou Sheng, Gonglin Yuan. An effective adaptive trust region algorithm for nonsmooth minimization. Computational Optimization and Applications, 71, 251-271, 2018. (SCI)
11. Gonglin Yuan, Zhou Sheng*, Bopeng Wang, Wujie Hu, Chunnian Li. The global convergence of a modified BFGS method for nonconvex functions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 327, 274-294, 2018. (SCI)
12. Zhou Sheng, Gonglin Yuan, Zengru Cui. A new adaptive trust region algorithm for optimization problems. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 38(2), 479-496, 2018. (SCI)